River Valley Alliance Church
Every Sunday we gather together as a community of friends and family. Every Sunday we have a time of celebration with music and often special testimonies of life change, prayer, and a Biblical message.
Every Sunday we gather together as a community of friends and family. Every Sunday we have a time of celebration with music and often special testimonies of life change, prayer, and a Biblical message.
In this service, you can expect to sing hymns accompanied by piano and organ, do responsive readings, and receive biblical teaching. Sermons are usually around 30 minutes long.
In these services, you can expect to sing current worship songs and receive biblical teaching. Sermons are usually around 30 minutes long.
Discovery Land
During the 9:30am service, we offer children's ministry programming. You can expect to see age-appropriate Bible lessons with exciting activities designed to engage children birth through 5th grade.
Enter at the doors with the welcome sign, and directly ahead of you is our Welcome Desk.
Someone will greet you and offer you a free gift and direct you to where to go!
Classes are offered at 9:30am each Sunday during the school year.
Coffee and tea are available in the lobby area near the car port entrance.