Announcements 3.9.25
1. Cornerstone of Grace Pie Sale- The Cornerstone of Grace ladies are having a Pie sale for “Pi Day” TODAY During all 3 services. Come and support Cornerstone of Grace!.
2. Senior Adult Fellowship- Did you know that we have a thriving Senior Adult Fellowship at River Valley? The group typically meets the last Tuesday of the month. However, our next potluck will welcome the missionaries on Tuesday April 1st at 12pm in the lower level. Come and join us! For more information, contact Tom or Mary at 262-719-9741.
3. Women’s Ministry Movie Night- LADIES... Have you signed up yet? Join your Soul Sisters on MARCH 14th @ 5:30pm, here at River Valley, for an awesome movie night, fellowship & special craft. We will share a light dinner and, of course popcorn & snacks too. DON'T MISS IT! Sign up in the Connection Center!
4. Spring Bash- The Spring Bash is coming up this Sunday, March 16th at 3pm. Are you ready? We will be having a talent show, fun and fellowship. OH, and did I mention a pig roast?? Bring a side dish or dessert to share. See you there!
5. Missions Conference: March 29th - April 6th- The Lindsay's and Debbie Vik are coming to River Valley the 1st week of April. We are looking for some volunteers who can host them or provide meals, or even ideas for Ministry. Please see the sign up sheets in the Connection Center.
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