Announcements 3.2.25
1. New Life Community Group- The New Life Community Group will meet this Monday, March 2nd in the lower level of Church from 530-730 pm. This group is for families and young adults. Tacos will be served. Bring a dessert or side. Questions? Contact
2. Cornerstone of Grace Pie Sale- The Cornerstone of Grace ladies will be having a Pie sale for “Pi Day” (Sunday, March 9th). Pi Day celebrates a mathematical constant. We celebrate a constant God. Pies will be sold in the River Valley Welcome Center. Come and support Cornerstone of Grace!
3. Women’s Ministry Movie Night- Ladies! Friday, March 14th @ 5:30pm. Enjoy some great fellowship with RVAC Soul Sisters as we watch an Inspirational movie & then make our very own Blessing Bracelets to remind us that no matter what we are going through, God gives us blessings all around us! Questions? Contact Jeaunetta Herold at 920.988.2163. RSVP in the Connection Center today! Bring a Friend!
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