Announcements 12/31/23

-The Bread and Roses Community Meal is returning to serving in person starting in January. River Valley is scheduled to help on Thursday January 4th. We are in need of volunteers that can come set up, serve and clean up starting at 3:30pm. We are also in need of donations of individually wrapped rolls and desserts. If you are interested in serving, please sign up in the connection center and come to Immanuel Lutheran Church, 209 N 9th St. Watertown at 3:30pm on Thursday 1/4/24. If able to donate individual packages of 1 dessert and 1 bread roll, please drop those off at River Valley or Immanuel Lutheran Church prior to 3:30pm on 1/4/24. Please contact Gary Stanwood at (262) 271-3047 with any questions.
-There are several new Winter Bible Studies starting in January. The Proverbs Adult Sunday School group will start at 9:30am on Jan 7. DivorceCare will meet on Mondays at 6:00pm starting Jan 8. The 40 Day Sugar Fast will meet Thursdays at 6:00pm starting Jan 11. Lord, Is It Warfare? women’s study will meet Fridays at 9:00am starting Jan 19. Go to for more information about these new groups and other on-going groups.
-The Shared Missions ministry is starting their “Socks and Undies Sundays” for the month of January. During the winter months, children at schools often need spare underwear and dry socks after recess time and their parents cannot afford to have extra on hand. Socks and underwear are needed in all sizes from children’s small through adult large for students in elementary and middle schools. Please place all items in the donation bin in the Welcome Center.
-The Adult and Teen Challenge choir will be visiting River Valley on Sunday January 14th. The choir members are working through addiction to drugs and alcohol and learning to be in a right relationship with the Lord to have a life of freedom. For more information about the Adult and Teen Challenge see here:
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