Announcements 1/21/24

Posted January 17, 2024

-Its “Socks and Undies Sundays” time for the month of January. During the winter months,
children at schools often need spare underwear and dry socks after recess time and their
parents cannot afford to have extra on hand. Socks and underwear are needed in all sizes
from children’s small through adult large for students in elementary and middle schools.
Please place all items in the donation bin in the Welcome Center.
- Save the date for the River Valley Annual Meeting. It will be Sunday January 28th at
noon. Several new leaders will be elected during that meeting. If you would like to get to know
them better prior to voting for them, please check out information about them that is posted in
the Connection Center and outside of the River Valley office.
-If you have donated to River Valley Alliance Church during 2023, a donor statement has either
been placed in your church mailbox or mailed to your home. If there are any questions or
concerns, please contact our Treasurer, Matt Keever at or the
church office at 920.261.4342. Thank you for blessing River Valley with your donations!

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