Announcements 12-15-24
- Christmas Eve Service Times- Christmas Eve services will be at 4pm and 5:30pm on 12/24. There will be Birth-4 year old childcare at the 4pm service. If you can help with childcare during the 4pm service, please contact Nicole Fine at or call her at 920-261-4342.
- Christmas In-Reach-Christmas In-Reach gifts are due back on Sunday, December 15th. Please wrap your gift, place the numbered tag on it and bring to River Valley office. Thank you!
- I Believe, What Happened Books As Gifts- Is the Lord putting it on your heart to evangelize with others? The "I Believe, What Happened? book that Laura Novey and Pastor Dave wrote is a perfect tool for that! They will be free of charge at a table in the Welcome Center -(1) one per family to keep for themselves, plus (2) any number of additional books they would like to give as a Christmas gift to someone the Lord puts on their heart. This is a fantastic evangelistic opportunity to scatter that message of hope all around Watertown (another way to reach the 12,500!) and out to “Samaria” (surrounding communities) and to the “ends of the earth” (throughout the state, nation, and world – it’s amazing to see where books end up getting into the hands of people in this way)!
- Christmas Bash – Do you have your Christmas sweater ready? How about your favorite recipe to bring and sample? Is your nerf gun in your belt holster? How about your trivia answers on the tip of your tongue? There will be so many things to do at the Christmas Bash and all the festivities start at 3pm today!! See you there!
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